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Yesterday — 20 September 2024Main stream

How AI Could Transform Fast Fashion for the Better—and Worse

20 September 2024 at 12:00

Since Shein became the world’s most popular online shopping destination—with seemingly unbeatable prices, and influencers posting “haul” videos to show off their purchases on social media—the Chinese fast-fashion giant has raised questions over how it produces its plethora of merchandise at dizzying speeds. The answer: AI-powered algorithms that allow the company to pick up changes in customer demand and interest, allowing it to adjust its supply chain in real time. As a result, Shein reportedly lists as many as 600,000 items on its online platform at any given moment, selling to customers in over 220 countries and regions globally.

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But the company has also long been under scrutiny for its poor record on environmental sustainability, becoming fashion’s biggest polluter in 2023. Investigations into Shein’s supply chains have found severe labor rights violations, with factory workers in Southern Chinese manufacturing plants reporting grueling 75-hour work weeks to keep up with demand. 

Shein claims AI is the answer to solving these problems, too. During a retail conference in Berlin in January, Peter Pernot-Day, Shein’s head of global strategy and corporate affairs, explained that more than 5,000 Shein suppliers recently gained access to an AI software platform to analyze customer preferences—information that the company then uses to produce small batches of merchandise to match supply in real-time. “We are using machine-learning technologies to accurately predict demand in a way we think is cutting-edge,” Peter Pernot-Day said. “The net effect of this is reducing inventory waste.”

Shein isn’t the only fast-fashion company to tout the benefits of AI in transforming the fast fashion business. Many of its competitors, including H&M and Zara, have also turned to machine-learning technology to analyze sales data and understand customer demand by predicting trends, tracking inventory levels, and cutting down on operational costs. Retail experts are equally optimistic about the power of generative AI: a recent report by McKinsey suggests that AI could add up to $275 billion to the operating profits of apparel, fashion, and luxury sectors in the next three to five years.

“We are already seeing significant shifts in fast fashion with the use of GenAI,” says Holger Harreis, a senior partner at McKinsey who co-authored the report. Harries adds that in the long term, this could result in more personalized processes in fashion, “even to levels of quasi-bespoke tailoring with colors, styles, and sizes—all delivered by a heavily genAI-led process with human interventions focused on where humans add the most value.”

As Shein uses AI to optimize its supply chain, however, environmental experts question whether these claimed efficiencies are truly improving outcomes. “Without strong ethical, social, and environmental standards in place, AI could just as easily be driving faster production and overconsumption,” says Lewis Perkins, the president of the Apparel Impact Institute, a global nonprofit that measures the fashion industry’s climate impact. 

Companies promise waste reduction as consumption soars

As the world’s second-largest industrial polluter, fast fashion releases 1.2 billion tonnes of carbon emissions every year, accounting for 10% of global emissions, according to research from the European Environment Agency. But no company has been as prolific in generating emissions in recent years as Shein. The company’s 2023 sustainability report recorded a carbon footprint of 16.7 million tonnes last year—nearly triple the number of emissions it produced in the previous three years. Shein’s record has also soared past Zara, previously fashion’s biggest emitter, and is roughly double that of companies like Nike, H&M, and LVMH. 

Founded by Chinese billion Sky Xu in 2008, Shein became a go-to destination for online shopping during the pandemic after listing nearly 600,000 items on its marketplace. By November 2022, it was accounting for 50% of fast-fashion sales in the U.S. One in four Gen Z consumers now shop at Shein, while 44% make at least one Shein purchase monthly, according to research from EMARKETER. Shein reports that 61% of its carbon footprint came from its supply chain, while 38% came from transporting goods from its facilities to customers. In July alone, Shein sent about 900,000 packages to customers by air. 

The sustainability report also highlighted how the company plans to reduce emissions. That includes moving production hubs closer to the customers, launching a $222 million circularity fund to promote textile-to-textile recycling, and setting a 25% reduction target for emissions by 2030. While Shein did not respond to TIME’s request for comment, a spokesperson for the company recently told Grist that the company is increasing inventory in U.S. warehouses and using cargo ships to deliver to customers. The company also reiterated that AI would further help to reduce waste, asserting that “we do not see growth as antithetical to sustainability.”

Read More: Shein Is the World’s Most Popular Fashion Brand—at a Huge Cost to Us All

There is new research that could back these claims. A study by the UNSW Institute for Climate Risk & Response found that companies can harness AI-driven technologies for climate action to analyze their carbon footprint, as well as devise strategies to make these improvements. 

“In short, AI will improve the firms’ entire value chain in ways that help them avoid, mitigate, or offset the environmental impacts of their products, services, or processes,” says David Grant, who co-authored this study with colleague Shahriar Akter. Grant adds that much of this work can be done far more quickly and more accurately with AI, as opposed to humans. “The benefits to the environment, specifically in respect of climate change, are thus far greater than would otherwise be achieved,” he says. 

But still, the authors of the study warn against the risks posed by AI in the fast fashion supply chain, specifically through a “vicious circle of overconsumption, pollution, and exploitation,” says Akter, pointing to Shein’s ability to predict demand and manufacture garments at “lightning-fast speed,” which puts added strain on factory workers to churn out garments even faster.

Algorithms feed on copyrighted work

Generative AI’s risks don’t stop at the supply chain. Akter from UNSW adds that the technology is also susceptible to breaching copyrights and compromising the artistic quality of human creativity. 

In April, Connecticut-based artist and designer Alan Giana filed a lawsuit in New York’s Southern District against Shein, alleging that the company’s use of AI, machine learning and algorithms were systematically infringing on his copyrighted work. Citing “Coastal Escape,” artwork that appeared on Shein’s website without permission or attribution, the complaint alleges that “widespread copyright infringement is baked into the business” by using sophisticated electronic systems that “algorithmically scour the internet for popular works by artists.” It went further by stating that the infringement likely extends to “thousands or tens of thousands of other persons” in the U.S. 

Shein has been faced with dozens of similar lawsuits alleging design theft in the past. In July 2023, three graphic designers in China sued Shein for using “secretive algorithms” to identify trends and copy their designs. The complaint went so far as to say that the company’s copyright infringement was so aggressive that it amounted to “racketeering.” In response, Shein told NBC that it took all claims of infringement “seriously:” “We take swift action when complaints are raised by valid IP rights holders,” it stated. 

Akter from UNSW says that generative AI-based designs “might result in breaching copyrights and put a company in a questionable situation,” adding that it could also result in “algorithmic monoculture,” pushing fashion companies to rely on similar algorithms and causing them to lose the necessary creativity in fashion retailing. Moreover, he says that AI-based marketing models could also result in algorithmic bias extending to race, gender, sexual orientation, social class, religion, and ethnicity. 

But despite these risks, more brands are investing significant amounts of their budget in AI. McKinsey’s Harreis is optimistic about its ability to optimize production and reduce waste, but he adds that companies still face a big challenge. “In order for tech to add value, companies need to realize that it is never just about tech, it takes rewiring the entire organization,” he says. 

AI can help bring a systemic shift in design, production, and consumption, says Perkins at the Apparel Impact Institute, but only if it is “paired with responsible business practices, transparent supply chains, and a commitment to reducing overall impact.” It’s not impossible to imagine what this might look like. Perkins points to innovators like Made2Flow, which uses AI-driven data analytics to measure and optimize environmental impact across the fashion supply chain. Similarly, Smartex.Ai leverages AI to detect and reduce fabric defects, leading to lower material waste.

But if AI is used solely to speed up production and push more products to market, it could “fuel overconsumption,” Perkins warns. “Until there’s clear evidence that AI is being used to genuinely reduce the fashion industry’s environmental footprint, I remain cautious about how much positive impact this model is actually having,” he says.

Before yesterdayMain stream

US grid adds batteries at 10x the rate of natural gas in first half of 2024

26 August 2024 at 17:41
US grid adds batteries at 10x the rate of natural gas in first half of 2024

(credit: DOE)

While solar power is growing at an extremely rapid clip, in absolute terms, the use of natural gas for electricity production has continued to outpace renewables. But that looks set to change in 2024, as the US Energy Information Agency (EIA) has run the numbers on the first half of the year and found that wind, solar, and batteries were each installed at a pace that dwarfs new natural gas generators. And the gap is expected to get dramatically larger before the year is over.

Solar, batteries booming

According to the EIA's numbers, about 20 GW of new capacity was added in the first half of this year, and solar accounts for 60 percent of it. Over a third of the solar additions occurred in just two states, Texas and Florida. There were two projects that went live that were rated at over 600 MW of capacity, one in Texas, the other in Nevada.

Next up is batteries: The US saw 4.2 additional gigawatts of battery capacity during this period, meaning over 20 percent of the total new capacity. (Batteries are treated as the equivalent of a generating source by the EIA since they can dispatch electricity to the grid on demand, even if they can't do so continuously.) Texas and California alone accounted for over 60 percent of these additions; throw in Arizona and Nevada, and you're at 93 percent of the installed capacity.

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Silicon plus perovskite solar reaches 34 percent efficiency

2 August 2024 at 18:36
Solar panels with green foliage behind them, and a diagram of a chemical's structure in the foreground.

Enlarge / Some solar panels, along with a diagram of a perovskite's crystal structure. (credit: Subhakitnibhat Kewiko)

As the price of silicon panels has continued to come down, we've reached the point where they're a small and shrinking cost of building a solar farm. That means that it might be worth spending more to get a panel that converts more of the incoming sunlight to electricity, since it allows you to get more out of the price paid to get each panel installed. But silicon panels are already pushing up against physical limits on efficiency. Which means our best chance for a major boost in panel efficiency may be to combine silicon with an additional photovoltaic material.

Right now, most of the focus is on pairing silicon with a class of materials called perovskites. Perovskite crystals can be layered on top of silicon, creating a panel with two materials that absorb different areas of the spectrum—plus, perovskites can be made from relatively cheap raw materials. Unfortunately, it has been difficult to make perovskites that are both high-efficiency and last for the decades that the silicon portion will.

Lots of labs are attempting to change that, though. And two of them reported some progress this week, including a perovskite/silicon system that achieved 34 percent efficiency.

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The Impact of Science on Society: A Comprehensive Exploration

30 July 2024 at 07:38

Science and society are inextricably linked, with scientific advancements continuously shaping and improving the world around us. From healthcare and technology to environmental sustainability and social structures, science plays a crucial role in advancing our understanding and enhancing our quality of life. This article delves into the intricate relationship between science and society…


Maximizing Home Energy Efficiency: A Comprehensive Guide

26 July 2024 at 08:54

Home energy efficiency is a crucial aspect of modern living, offering numerous benefits from reducing utility bills to minimizing environmental impact. By optimizing energy use in your home, you can create a more sustainable, comfortable, and cost-effective living environment. As an expert in Home Living, I will guide you through the essential strategies for enhancing home energy efficiency…


US solar production soars by 25 percent in just one year

25 July 2024 at 19:44
A single construction person set in the midst of a sea of solar panels.

Enlarge (credit: Vithun Khamsong)

With the plunging price of photovoltaics, the construction of solar plants has boomed in the US. Last year, for example, the US's Energy Information Agency expected that over half of the new generating capacity would be solar, with a lot of it coming online at the very end of the year for tax reasons. Yesterday, the EIA released electricity generation numbers for the first five months of 2024, and that construction boom has seemingly made itself felt: generation by solar power has shot up by 25 percent compared to just one year earlier.

The EIA breaks down solar production according to the size of the plant. Large grid-scale facilities have their production tracked, giving the EIA hard numbers. For smaller installations, like rooftop solar on residential and commercial buildings, the agency has to estimate the amount produced, since the hardware often resides behind the metering equipment, so only shows up via lower-than-expected consumption.

In terms of utility-scale production, the first five months of 2024 saw it rise by 29 percent compared to the same period in the year prior. Small-scale solar was "only" up by 18 percent, with the combined number rising by 25.3 percent.

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‘We’re Living in a Nightmare:’ Inside the Health Crisis of a Texas Bitcoin Town

8 July 2024 at 16:00
May 21st, 2024: Aerial view of Wolf Hollow Data Site in Granbury, Texas.

On an evening in December 2023, 43-year-old small business owner Sarah Rosenkranz collapsed in her home in Granbury, Texas and was rushed to the emergency room. Her heart pounded 200 beats per minute; her blood pressure spiked into hypertensive crisis; her skull throbbed. “It felt like my head was in a pressure vise being crushed,” she says. “That pain was worse than childbirth.”

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Rosenkranz’s migraine lasted for five days. Doctors gave her several rounds of IV medication and painkiller shots, but nothing seemed to knock down the pain, she says. This was odd, especially because local doctors were similarly vexed when Indigo, Rosenkranz’s 5-year-old daughter, was taken to urgent care earlier that year, screaming that she felt a “red beam behind her eardrums.”

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It didn’t occur to Sarah that these symptoms could be linked. But in January 2024, she walked into a town hall in Granbury and found a room full of people worn thin from strange, debilitating illnesses. A mother said her 8-year-old daughter was losing her hearing and fluids were leaking from her ears. Several women said they experienced fainting spells, including while driving on the highway. Others said they were wracked by debilitating vertigo and nausea, waking up in the middle of the night mid-vomit. 

None of them knew what, exactly, was causing these symptoms. But they all shared a singular grievance: a dull aural hum had crept into their lives, which growled or roared depending on the time of day, rattling their windows and rendering them unable to sleep. The hum, local law enforcement had learned, was emanating from a Bitcoin mining facility that had recently moved into the area—and was exceeding legal noise ordinances on a daily basis.

Over the course of several months in 2024, TIME spoke to more than 40 people in the Granbury area who reported a medical ailment that they believe is connected to the arrival of the Bitcoin mine: hypertension, heart palpitations, chest pain, vertigo, tinnitus, migraines, panic attacks. At least 10 people went to urgent care or the emergency room with these symptoms. The development of large-scale Bitcoin mines and data centers is quite new, and most of them are housed in extremely remote places. There have been no major medical studies on the impacts of living near one. But there is an increasing body of scientific studies linking prolonged exposure to noise pollution with cardiovascular damage. And one local doctor—ears, nose, and throat specialist Salim Bhaloo—says he sees patients with symptoms potentially stemming from the Bitcoin mine’s noise on an almost weekly basis.

May 20th, 2024: Cheryl Shadden’s homemade signs on her property across the street from the Wolf Hollow Data Site in Granbury, Texas.

“I’m sure it increases their cortisol and sugar levels, so you’re getting headaches, vertigo, and it snowballs from there,” Bhaloo says. “This thing is definitely causing a tremendous amount of stress. Everyone is just miserable about it.” 

Not all data centers make noise. And industry insiders say they have a technical fix for the ones that do, which involves replacing their facilities’ loud air fans with much quieter liquid-based cooling solutions. But some of their touted methods, including “immersion cooling” in oil, are expensive and untested on a large scale.

A representative for Marathon Digital Holdings, the company that owns the mine, did not answer questions about health impacts, but told TIME that it is working to remove the noisy fans from the site. “By the end of 2024, we intend to have replaced the majority of air-cooled containers with immersion cooling, with no expansion required. Initial sound readings on immersion containers indicate favorable results in sound reduction and compliance with all relevant state noise ordinances,” they wrote in an email.

The number of commercial-scale Bitcoin mining operations in the U.S. has increased sharply over the last few years; there are now at least 137. Similar medical complaints have been registered near facilities in Arkansas and North Dakota. And the Bitcoin mining industry is urgently trying to push bills through state legislatures, including in Indiana and Missouri, which would exempt Bitcoin mines from local zoning or noise ordinances. In May, Oklahoma governor Kevin Stitt signed a “Bitcoin Rights” bill to protect miners and prevent any future attempts to ban the industry.

While some Granbury residents are fiercely protesting the mine, many others feel powerless to alter the will of a company with legal, political, and financial might. And the data center industry at large is only growing more dominant, thanks to the twin forces of Bitcoin mining and AI, the latter which spends a vast amount of energy training generative models to find patterns in data sets. According to a recent report, data centers will use 8% of total U.S. power by 2030, up from 3% in 2022. And if operators continue to locate the centers near existing communities and prioritize profits above all else, then the story of Granbury could become the story of countless small towns across America.

Granbury sits about an hour southwest of Fort Worth in Hood County, which houses a mostly rural and Republican population of about 65,000 people. About a 15-minute drive south of Granbury’s charming historic town center—which includes a 19th-century opera house—lies a gas plant called Wolf Hollow II. Driving toward the plant on a windy, predawn morning in May, it rises out of the sky like an oil rig in a pitch-black ocean, lights ablaze.

But the glowing gas plant never caused substantial issues for the local residents. Rather, the problems started when Constellation Energy, which operated the plant, signed a deal in 2021 to power a new Bitcoin mining facility that would sit directly on its lot. The new facility consisted of 163 squat metal boxes resembling shipping containers, which housed a total of over 30,000 computers. These computers started running in the summer of 2022, and seemed to be switched on all day and night. As of December 2023, the Granbury mine is owned and operated by Marathon, one of the largest Bitcoin holders in the world.

The computers power a process called proof-of-work mining. Rather than relying on a central bank or governmental agency, Bitcoin is created, maintained, and guarded by watchdogs around the world known as miners, who prevent tampering through a complex cryptographic process and are rewarded with bitcoin for doing so. Bitcoin’s first supporters hoped that this new system would support a global digital currency that would bring freedom, financial fairness, and wealth to its adopters. 

But the system also requires an immense and ever-increasing amount of electricity. While Bitcoin’s first miners were solo operators often working out of their bedrooms, the industry is now dominated by a handful of billion-dollar corporations who operate industrial-size server farms across the globe. In the month of March 2024 alone, the Bitcoin mining industry generated a record $2 billion in revenue. 

Much of the American Bitcoin mining industry can now be found in Texas, home to giant power plants, lax regulation, and crypto-friendly politicians. In October 2021, Governor Greg Abbott hosted the lobbying group Texas Blockchain Council at the governor’s mansion. The group insisted that their industry would help the state’s overtaxed energy grid; that during energy crises, miners would be one of the few energy customers able to shut off upon request, provided that they were paid in exchange. After meeting with the lobbyists, Abbott tweeted that Texas would soon be the “#1 [state] for blockchain & cryptocurrency.” The following month, the Commissioners Court of Hood County approved the development of a cryptocurrency operation at Wolf Hollow. The owners promised local jobs and said that they would mostly use “stranded energy” that would otherwise go unused. 

For months during 2022, Granbury residents Nick and Virginia Browning sat in their front yard watching the new metal boxes of the massive facility be installed in the dirt across the road. “It layered our houses with dust. We haven’t gotten it all out yet,” Nick Browning, 82, says.

The dust, it turns out, was just a prelude to the noise. In order to cool the machines, the site’s operators attached thousands of fans to the containers, which churned constantly, emitting a vicious buzz. As more machines were switched on, the noise sounded like a ceiling fan, then a leaf blower, then a jet engine. It consumed afternoon dog walks and revved through cloudless nights, vibrating the trailer homes of many of the low-income residents who live blocks from the facility. The noise floated miles down the winding Brazos river, through the lush golf courses in the gated community Pecan Plantation and past county lines.

At first, residents responded to the intrusion by vacating their porches, retreating inside, and turning up their fans and air conditioners to the max. But many still felt tremors in their beds—including Larry Potts, a 77-year-old retired pastor who lives up the road from the plant. Potts says he stopped sleeping and started losing hearing in both ears. In February, his heart gave out after another sleepless night; he was rushed to the hospital and kept alive by an external pacemaker. There, he was diagnosed with third degree atrioventricular block, hypertension, and depression. 

May 21st, 2024: Larry Potts at his home in Granbury, Texas.

“I’m sick of this world and all this mess around here,” he says he told his wife that day, referring to the Bitcoin mine’s noise. “We moved out here for the peace and quiet. But this has made me want to go.” 

Some nearby residents say they haven’t been affected. But the number of strange medical emergencies in the area have piled up. In addition to Potts’ discharge papers, TIME reviewed medical records provided by several Granbury residents. Hospital notes from 72-year-old Geraldine Lathers’ three-day stay document new prescriptions for high blood pressure and vertigo. Jenna Hornbuckle, 38, lost hearing in her right ear and was diagnosed with heart failure; ear exams document her hearing loss along with that of her 8-year-old daughter Victoria, who contracted ear infections that forced doctors to place a tube in her ear. And Avari Burns, a 19-year-old cancer patient, says she suffered from crippling migraines at home—but whenever she went to a Fort Worth hospital for chemotherapy, the migraines subsided. 

Virginia Browning, 81, who can see the Bitcoin mine from her front yard, says she was taken to urgent care with violent vertigo after waking up one night mid-vomit. Browning says she gets so dizzy she can barely walk in a straight line, and that she rarely sleeps through the night. “When they crank this thing,” she says shakily, “I’m wide awake.”

 “We’re living in a nightmare,” Sarah Rosenkranz says, sitting at a barbecue restaurant in downtown Granbury on an evening in May. As rock music blares from the speakers and other patrons chatter away, Rosenkranz pulls out her phone and clocks 72 decibels on a sound meter app—the same level that she records in Indigo’s bedroom in the dead of night. In early 2023, her daughter began waking up, yelling and holding her ears. Indigo’s room directly faces the mine, which sits about a mile and a half away. She soon refused to sleep in her own room. She then developed so many ear infections that Rosenkranz pulled her from school in March and learned how to homeschool her for the rest of the semester. 

Over grilled salmon and hush puppies, Rosenkranz shares that her family has been sleeping peacefully at an inn downtown for the last three days in order to get away from the noise. But the next morning, after returning home, she contracts yet another migraine that lands her in urgent care.

Dr. Bhaloo, the ENT doctor in Granbury, says he’s seen an uptick since the new year in patients whose ailments—including ringing in their ears, vertigo, and headaches—could be related to the mine. “These people here, they’re good country folks, and Bitcoin, to them, is almost a foreign alien thing,” he says. “They don’t understand it. And [the noise] is detrimental to their health and anxiety.” Dr. Stephen Krzeminski, another Granbury ENT, agrees. “Sonic damage is real, there’s no disputing that,” he says. Krzeminski says he believes the mine is causing “mental and physical” health issues. “Imagine if I had vuvuzela in your ear all the time,” he says.

May 20th, 2024: Residential area near the Wolf Hollow Data Site in Granbury, Texas.

The level of noise is appalling to Dr. Thomas Münzel, a German cardiologist who is a leader in the growing field of scientific researchers measuring the impact of urban and industrial noise on humans. For the last 15 years, Münzel has studied how transportation and urban noise, especially at night, can be debilitating stressors on the heart, brain, and cardiovascular systems. In one study, he exposed young, healthy students to noise events up to 63 decibels, and found that their vascular function diminished after just a single night. In other studies, he’s found that nighttime noise pollution directly leads to heart failure and molecular changes in the brain, which may lead to impaired cognitive development of children and make some people more prone to developing dementia.

“The European Environmental Agency tells us that everything above 55 decibels is making us sick,” he says. The fact that the Granbury Bitcoin mine is emitting 70 or even 90 decibels on a nightly basis is “like torture,” he says. “The most spectacular cardiovascular diseases will develop. They have to stop the machines.”

Health effects have the potential to extend past the human residents of Granbury. Studies have shown that man-made noise pollution harms animals and wildlife, causing oxidative stress and memory loss in rodents, acute anxiety in dogs, and a decrease in forest growth. Shenice Copenhaver’s dog, Persephone, started going bald and developed debilitating anxiety shortly after the Bitcoin mine began operating four blocks away. Directly next door, Tom Weeks’ dog Jack Rabbit Slim started shaking and hyperventilating uncontrollably for hours on end; a vet placed him on the seizure medication Gabapentin. Rosenkranz’s chickens stopped laying eggs for months. And Jerry and Patricia Campbell’s centuries-old oak tree, which had served as the family’s hub and protector for generations of backyard family reunions and even a wedding, died suddenly three months ago.

It’s nearly impossible to prove the Bitcoin mine directly caused the afflictions of these specific animals and plants. But as the strange anecdotes collect, they’ve added to the stress of a town that feels under siege from all directions. 

“I’ve lived in Texas all my life and I’ve never seen an oak tree be beautiful one year and die the next,” Jerry Campbell says on his lawn, beneath the tree’s gnarled, blackened limbs. “It’s so strange.”

Hood County Constable John Shirley has spent months trying to find his own solutions to a problem that at times seems supernatural. As a former member of the Oath Keepers, a far-right militia whose leaders were convicted of seditious conspiracy against the U.S. government, Shirley is a somewhat divisive figure in the town. But lately Shirley has been laser-focused on the mine—an issue he considers apolitical. “When you’ve got Greenpeace supporting the same cause as a former Oath Keeper, what weird episode of the Twilight Zone are we in?” he says, chuckling darkly. (Shirley resigned from the Oath Keepers before Jan. 6, 2021, due to “serious concerns” with the direction of the organization, he says.)

May 20th, 2024: Shenice’s dog that is going bald in Granbury, Texas.

On a listless May morning before the sun has risen, Shirley is sitting in his truck across the road from the mine. He is used to getting up at this hour, as he’s been taking decibel readings of the plant around the clock in order to write tickets against the mine’s operators for disorderly conduct. Shirley sticks his recorder out the window and the numbers on it flicker up and down as the roar washes over it. Eventually, the recorder caps out at 91 decibels, which the CDC estimates as roughly in between the output of a lawnmower and a chainsaw.

This level of noise, the CDC writes, can cause hearing damage after two hours of exposure. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration advises that employees can only work in 90-decibel settings for eight hours a day and are required to wear ear protection. And Texas state penal code deems any noise above 85 decibels unreasonable. Over the course of 2024, Shirley has recorded a noise above 85 decibels coming from the plant more than 35 times.

Technically there is federal mandate to regulate noise, which stems from the 1972 Noise Control Act—but it was essentially de-funded during the Reagan administration. This leaves noise regulation up to states, cities, and counties. New York City, for instance, has a noise code which officially caps restaurant music and air conditioning at 42 decibels (as measured within a nearby residence). Texas’s 85 decibels, in contrast, is by far the loudest state limit in the nation, says Les Blomberg, the executive director of the nonprofit Noise Pollution Clearinghouse. “It is a level that protects noise polluters, not the noise polluted,” he says. 

Ultimately, Constable John Shirley can’t stop the machines, because there is no state law forcing the operator of a noisy machine to turn it off. When Shirley writes a ticket for disorderly conduct, it merely triggers a $500 fine, as opposed to jail time or another punitive measure. Hood County can’t even pass a relevant noise ordinance law: only Texas cities, not counties, have the ability to do so. 

Shirley’s tickets now add up to a theoretical fine of $17,500 and counting. But that number is chump change for Marathon, which earned $165 million in revenue in the first quarter of 2024 and bragged to shareholders about “record earnings.” And the company is fighting back: They have requested a jury trial to overturn this low-level misdemeanor, which starts July 8. At a pre-trial hearing in May, the company arrived with a full team of lawyers. “To bring two or three full-suited attorneys to a justice of the peace court citation issue: I’ve never seen that,” says Patrick Ryan, a local lawyer who has consulted with Granbury community members about the possibility of a civil nuisance lawsuit. “They’re coming with both barrels.” 

A representative for Marathon declined several interview requests with TIME, saying that the company would refrain from commenting publicly until Constable Shirley’s “unwarranted” citations against the plant had been resolved. As Shirley sits outside the facility recording the pulsating drone, his nostrils flare, and his voice rises with impatience. “When I was a murder investigator and someone killed somebody, I had the law on my side,” he says. “With this, it’s like I’m swatting at a rhinoceros.” As he reads the decibel levels on his sound meter, a security guard from the facility steps out of his car and snaps pictures of Shirley’s truck in the dark.

May 20th, 2024: Cheryl Shadden on her property in Granbury, Texas.

The residents of Granbury feel they’ve been lied to. In 2023, the site’s previous operators, US Bitcoin Corp, constructed a wall around the mine almost 2,000 feet long and claimed that they had “solved the concern.” But Shirley says that the complaints from the community about the sound actually increased when the wall was nearing completion last fall. Since Marathon bought the facility outright in December, its hash rate, or computational power expended, has doubled.

As complaints mounted at the top of 2024, the company contended it did not know about the extent of the sound issues. “We are now the owners, but we are not the operator. USBTC is still the operator. Prior to the purchase, we were not aware of the noise issues,” a Marathon representative wrote to TIME in an email in January. “Now that we own the site and have been made aware of the issue, we are working to gather information and address the situation.”

But documents show that Marathon provided a $67 million loan in May 2021 to the site’s first formal owners, Compute North, to build out the site’s infrastructure, and Marathon’s purchase agreement of the site, dated December 15, 2023, clearly mentions the existence of the $1.9 million “sound wall” built several months prior.

As community complaints reached a fever pitch earlier this year, Marathon held a meet-and-greet on March 29—Good Friday, which rubbed many people in Granbury’s deeply religious community the wrong way. For the handful of people that did show up, Marathon laid out a noise mitigation plan which included turning off idle fans, moving some containers into liquid cooling by April 2024, and installing vegetation and trees around the perimeter. 

In an emailed statement to TIME in late June, Marathon said that 58 air-cooled containers have been removed from the site, and pointed to a roadmap which vows to convert 50% of the site’s containers to immersion cooling by the end of the year. A representative for Constellation Energy, which owns the power plant that Marathon connects to, said in a statement that the company is “staying updated on [Marathon’s] efforts to respond to the concerns raised by neighbors… We will continue working closely with Marathon as they take actions to reduce their impacts.”

Marathon says that immersion cooling, in which computers are placed in tubs of oil, will largely fix the noise problem. But the technique has potential drawbacks, including the difficulty of regularly performing maintenance on a computer submerged in oil, says Kent Draper, the chief commercial officer of the Bitcoin and AI data center operator IREN. “Although it’s been around for a long time in the industry, it’s just not that widely adopted,” he says. 

Even Marathon expressed skepticism about its ability to convert its many machines to immersion technology in a 2023 year-end SEC Report. “There is a risk we may not succeed in developing or deploying immersion-cooling at such a large scale to achieve sufficient cooling performance,” the company wrote. 

In an email to TIME, Marathon wrote: “While we are confident in our ability to scale this new technology, it is our obligation, as a publicly traded company, to identify any potential risks from a financial perspective.”

Granbury community members are exploring political and legal avenues. A petition against the mine in Granbury and its “excessive and unhealthy noise” garnered 800 in-person signatures, and was brought by representatives to the Texas Republican state convention in San Antonio in May, with the hopes of gaining statewide support for some sort of ban. But two local elected officials, Nannette Samuelson and Shannon Wolf, say they tried to take the floor to stump for the issue, but weren’t given time to speak. Samuelson’s goal is now to pass resolutions in commissioners court prompting state senators to draft legislation.  

Any statewide legislation is sure to hit significant headwinds, because the very idea of regulation runs contrary to many Texans’ political beliefs. “As constitutional conservatives, they have taken our core values and used that against us,” says Demetra Conrad, a city council member in the nearby town of Glen Rose. 

Some community members are also exploring a potential civil nuisance suit against Marathon, in which they would seek an injunction against the company and/or damages. One affected woman, Cheryl Shadden—who has medically-documented hearing loss—has retained the nonprofit Earthjustice to examine potential litigative routes. Deputy managing attorney Mandy DeRoche says Earthjustice is exploring the possibility of taking its own sound readings near the site. The nonprofit has been involved in several lawsuits against crypto mining companies across the country. 

“Historically, Bitcoin miners go to the cheapest source of electricity with the least amount of regulation, and they do the cheapest thing possible,” DeRoche says. “It’s one of the reasons why noise pollution from crypto mining tends to be so much worse than traditionally-operated data center operators.” 

As Bitcoin continues to gain value, miners are building progressively bigger operations, causing gas plants and other fossil fuel emitters to spring back into action. It is unclear whether states even have the energy capacity to support this new demand: In June, Texas lieutenant governor Dan Patrick tweeted that Texans “will ultimately pay the price” for the growth of crypto and AI data centers, writing that they “produce very few jobs compared to the incredible demands they place on our grid.” Regardless, Bitcoin lobbying groups are attempting to pass pro-Bitcoin-mining bills in state legislatures across the country, which would exempt similar operations from noise ordinances and local zoning laws. People have reported similar symptoms near Bitcoin mines in Arkansas and Williston, North Dakota. Ultimately, Granbury is just one canary of several in the proverbial mine. 

In the week before this article’s publication, two more Granbury residents suffered from acute health crises. The first was Tom Weeks, the owner of the hyperventilating dog. On July 2, Weeks, 64, rose after another sleepless night of listening to the mine and realized he couldn’t breathe. He was rushed to a Fort Worth hospital, where he was diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism—a blood clot blocking his lungs—and hooked up to an oxygen tank. Weeks was supposed to testify against Marathon in the jury trial, but is now physically unable to do so. “This whole thing is an eye opener for me into profit over people,” Weeks says in a phone call from the ICU. 

The second person affected was the five-year-old Indigo Rosenkranz. On July 6, she suffered from a seizure and was taken to the emergency room, before being routed to a childrens’ hospital in Fort Worth for further testing. Her mother, Sarah, was terrified and now feels she has no choice but to get a second mortgage to move away from the mine. “A second one would really be a lot,” she says. “God will provide, though. He always sees us through.”

Bipartisan consensus in favor of renewable power is ending

28 June 2024 at 17:40
Image of solar panels on a green grassy field, with blue sky in the background.

Enlarge (credit: tigerstrawberry)

One of the most striking things about the explosion of renewable power that's happening in the US is that much of it is going on in states governed by politicians who don't believe in the problem wind and solar are meant to address. Acceptance of the evidence for climate change tends to be lowest among Republicans, yet many of the states where renewable power has boomed—wind in Wyoming and Iowa, solar in Texas—are governed by Republicans.

That's partly because, up until about 2020, there was a strong bipartisan consensus in favor of expanding wind and solar power, with support above 75 percent among both parties. Since then, however, support among Republicans has dropped dramatically, approaching 50 percent, according to polling data released this week.

Renewables enjoyed solid Republican support until recently.

Renewables enjoyed solid Republican support until recently. (credit: Pew Research)

To a certain extent, none of this should be surprising. The current leader of the Republican Party has been saying that wind turbines cause cancer and offshore wind is killing whales. And conservative-backed groups have been spreading misinformation in order to drum up opposition to solar power facilities.

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“Energy-smart” bricks need less power to make, are better insulation

25 June 2024 at 17:34
Image of a person holding a bag full of dirty looking material with jagged pieces in it.

Enlarge / Some of the waste material that ends up part of these bricks. (credit: Seamus Daniel, RMIT University)

Researchers at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) in Australia have developed special “energy-smart bricks” that can be made by mixing clay with glass waste and coal ash. These bricks can help mitigate the negative effects of traditional brick manufacturing, an energy-intensive process that requires large-scale clay mining, contributes heavily to CO2 emissions, and generates a lot of air pollution.

According to the RMIT researchers, “Brick kilns worldwide consume 375 million tonnes (~340 million metric tons) of coal in combustion annually, which is equivalent to 675 million tonnes of CO2 emission (~612 million metric tons).” This exceeds the combined annual carbon dioxide emissions of 130 million passenger vehicles in the US.

The energy-smart bricks rely on a material called RCF waste. It mostly contains fine pieces of glass (92 percent) left over from the recycling process, along with ceramic materials, plastic, paper, and ash. Most of this waste material generally ends up in landfills, where it can cause soil and water degradation. However, the study authors note, “The utilization of RCF waste in fired-clay bricks offers a potential solution to the increasing global waste crisis and reduces the burden on landfills."

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New recycling method makes solar cells even more environmentally friendly

4 June 2024 at 21:02
Image of a solar cell, showing dark black silicon and silver-colored wiring.

Enlarge / All these pieces more or less pop apart after a brief chemical treatment. (credit: Israel Sebastian.)

For years, the arguments against renewable power focused on its high costs. But as the price of wind and solar plunged, the arguments shifted. Suddenly, concerns about the waste left behind when solar panels hit end-of-life became so common that researchers at the US's National Renewable Energy Lab felt compelled to publish a commentary in Nature Physics debunking them.

Part of the misinformation is pure nonsense. The primary ingredients of most panels are silicon, aluminum, and silver, none of which is a major environmental threat. Solar panels also have a useful lifespan of decades, and the vast majority of those in existence are less than 10 years old, so waste hasn't even become much of a problem yet. And, even once these panels age out, recycling techniques are available.

Perhaps the only realistic concern is that existing recycling technologies rely on nitric acid and can produce some toxic waste. But a group of researchers from Wuhan University have figured out an alternative means of recycling that avoids the production of toxic waste and is more energy-efficient as a bonus.

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Climate and health benefits of wind and solar dwarf all subsidies

29 May 2024 at 20:18
Wind turbines in front of a sunrise, with their blades blurred due to their motion.

Enlarge (credit: Ashley Cooper)

When used to generate power or move vehicles, fossil fuels kill people. Particulates and ozone resulting from fossil fuel burning cause direct health impacts, while climate change will act indirectly. Regardless of the immediacy, premature deaths and illness prior to death are felt through lost productivity and the cost of treatments.

Typically, you see the financial impacts quantified when the EPA issues new regulations, as the health benefits of limiting pollution typically dwarf the costs of meeting new standards. But some researchers from Lawrence Berkeley National Lab have now done similar calculations—but focusing on the impact of renewable energy. Wind and solar, by displacing fossil fuel use, are acting as a form of pollution control and so should produce similar economic benefits.

Do they ever. The researchers find that, in the US, wind and solar have health and climate benefits of over $100 for every Megawatt-hour produced, for a total of a quarter-trillion dollars in just the last four years. This dwarfs the cost of the electricity they generate and the total of the subsidies they received.

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Embracing Sustainability in Fashion: A Guide to Eco-Conscious Style

26 April 2024 at 18:24

In the fashion world, the term “sustainable fashion” has evolved from a buzzword to a necessary revolution. As an expert in fashion and beauty, this article explores the importance of sustainable fashion, outlining the practices that define it and offering guidance on how individuals can participate in and promote eco-conscious fashion choices. What is Sustainable Fashion?


The Inventor's Rebellion: Akane's Quest for a New Dawn

14 March 2024 at 10:28

anime-style graphic capturing Akane and her allies standing victorious against the backdrop of a liberated Neo-Kyushu, embodying the dawn of a new era of sustainability and freedom

 In the year 2150, the world was a patchwork of recovered wastelands and high-tech city-states, remnants of an era when humanity almost vanished beneath the tides of environmental collapse. Among these bastions of civilization stood the city of Neo-Kyushu, a marvel of sustainability and innovation, its existence a testament to human ingenuity and resilience. Yet, within its energy-efficient walls, a conflict brewed that threatened to unravel the very fabric of this new society.

Enter Akane, a young inventor with a fiery spirit and a mind that danced on the edge of brilliance and recklessness. Akane's inventions were nothing short of revolutionary, promising to propel Neo-Kyushu and the world into a new age of prosperity. But her latest creation, the Ether Engine, a device capable of generating unlimited clean energy, became the focal point of a shadowy struggle for power.

The Ether Engine's potential to end energy scarcity for good made it the target of the Syndicate, a powerful conglomerate of energy magnates who saw in Akane's invention the end of their dominion over the city. Under the guise of progress, they sought to claim the Ether Engine for themselves, to control its power and maintain their grip on the world's energy supply.

But Akane was no stranger to adversity. Alongside her lifelong friend, Daichi, a tactician with a keen mind for strategy and a heart loyal to the cause of freedom, she embarked on a daring mission to safeguard her invention. They enlisted the aid of the Underground, a network of rebels and outcasts who lived in the shadows of Neo-Kyushu, fighting against the Syndicate's authoritarian rule.

The battle for the Ether Engine led Akane and her allies through the neon-soaked streets of Neo-Kyushu, from the verdant rooftops of the city's vertical farms to the depths of its digital underworld. Along the way, they faced mercenaries, rogue AI, and the treacherous machinations of the Syndicate, all while forging bonds that would define the course of their lives.

In a climactic showdown beneath the city, in the heart of the Syndicate's stronghold, Akane faced off against the conglomerate's ruthless leader, Mr. Kuroda. It was here, amidst the humming energy cores that powered the city, that Akane's resolve was tested. With Daichi and the Underground at her side, she unleashed the full potential of the Ether Engine, not as a weapon, but as a beacon of hope.

The Ether Engine's activation sent a pulse of pure energy rippling through Neo-Kyushu, neutralizing the Syndicate's control devices and freeing the city from their grasp. In the aftermath, Akane's invention became the cornerstone of a new era of cooperation and sustainability, not just for Neo-Kyushu, but for the world.

"The Inventor's Rebellion: Akane's Quest for a New Dawn" became a legend, a story of courage, innovation, and the indomitable spirit of those who dare to dream of a better future. Akane's journey from inventor to hero inspired a generation to believe in the power of technology as a force for good, paving the way for a brighter, cleaner, and more equitable world.
