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Silicon plus perovskite solar reaches 34 percent efficiency

2 August 2024 at 18:36
Solar panels with green foliage behind them, and a diagram of a chemical's structure in the foreground.

Enlarge / Some solar panels, along with a diagram of a perovskite's crystal structure. (credit: Subhakitnibhat Kewiko)

As the price of silicon panels has continued to come down, we've reached the point where they're a small and shrinking cost of building a solar farm. That means that it might be worth spending more to get a panel that converts more of the incoming sunlight to electricity, since it allows you to get more out of the price paid to get each panel installed. But silicon panels are already pushing up against physical limits on efficiency. Which means our best chance for a major boost in panel efficiency may be to combine silicon with an additional photovoltaic material.

Right now, most of the focus is on pairing silicon with a class of materials called perovskites. Perovskite crystals can be layered on top of silicon, creating a panel with two materials that absorb different areas of the spectrumβ€”plus, perovskites can be made from relatively cheap raw materials. Unfortunately, it has been difficult to make perovskites that are both high-efficiency and last for the decades that the silicon portion will.

Lots of labs are attempting to change that, though. And two of them reported some progress this week, including a perovskite/silicon system that achieved 34 percent efficiency.

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Researchers build ultralight drone that flies with onboard solar

17 July 2024 at 18:40
Image of a metallic object composed from top to bottom of a propeller, a large cylinder with metallic panels, a stalk, and a flat slab with solar panels and electronics.

Enlarge / The CoulombFly doing its thing. (credit: Nature)

On Wednesday, researchers reported that they had developed a drone they're calling the CoulombFly, which is capable of self-powered hovering for as long as the Sun is shining. The drone, which is shaped like no aerial vehicle you've ever seen before, combines solar cells, a voltage converter, and an electrostatic motor to drive a helicopter-like propellerβ€”with all components having been optimized for a balance of efficiency and light weight.

Before people get excited about buying one, the list of caveats is extensive. There's no onboard control hardware, and the drone isn't capable of directed flight anyway, meaning it would drift on the breeze if ever set loose outdoors. Lots of the components appear quite fragile, as well. However, the design can be miniaturized, and the researchers built a version that weighs only 9 milligrams.

Built around a motor

One key to this development was the researchers' recognition that most drones use electromagnetic motors, which involve lots of metal coils that add significant weight to any system. So, the team behind the work decided to focus on developing a lightweight electrostatic motor. These rely on charge attraction and repulsion to power the motor, as opposed to magnetic interactions.

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Will space-based solar power ever make sense?

Artist's depiction of an astronaut servicing solar panels against the black background of space.

Enlarge (credit: Pgiam)

Is space-based solar power a costly, risky pipe dream? Or is it a viable way to combat climate change? Although beaming solar power from space to Earth could ultimately involve transmitting gigawatts, the process could be made surprisingly safe and cost-effective, according to experts from Space Solar, the European Space Agency, and the University of Glasgow.

But we’re going to need to move well beyond demonstration hardware and solve a number of engineering challenges if we want to develop that potential.

Designing space-based solar

Beaming solar energy from space is not new; telecommunications satellites have been sending microwave signals generated by solar power back to Earth since the 1960s. But sending useful amounts of power is a different matter entirely.

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