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Studying the skin of the great white shark could help reduce drag in aircraft

Great white shark at Isla Guadalupe, Mexico

Enlarge / Great white sharks can reduce drag at different swimming speeds thanks to high and low ridged denticles in its skin. (credit: Terry Goss/CC BY 2.5)

The great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) is a swift and mighty hunter, capable of reaching speeds as high as 6.7 m/s when breaching, although it prefers to swim at slower speeds for migration and while waiting for prey. A team of Japanese researchers has studied the structure of the great white's skin to learn more about how these creatures adapt so well to a wide range of speeds. Their findings could lead to more efficient aircraft and boats with greatly reduced drag, according to a recent paper published in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface.

As previously reported, anyone who has touched a shark knows the skin feels smooth if you stroke from nose to tail. Reverse the direction, however, and it feels like sandpaper. That's because of tiny translucent scales, roughly 0.2 millimeters in size, called "denticles" (because they strongly resemble teeth) all over the shark's body, especially concentrated in the animal's flanks and fins. It's like a suit of armor for sharks, and it also serves as a means of reducing drag in the water while swimming.

Pressure drag is the result of flow separation around an object, like an aircraft or the body of a mako shark as it moves through water; the magnitude of pressure drag is determined by the shape of the object. It's what happens when the fluid flow separates from the surface of an object, forming eddies and vortices that impede the object's movement. Since the shark's body is constantly undulating as it swims, it needs something to help keep the flow attached around that body to reduce that drag. Denticles serve that purpose.

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Electric eels inspire novel “jelly” batteries for soft robotics, wearables

closeup of colorful strand held between fingers being stretched

Enlarge / Researchers have developed soft, stretchable "jelly batteries" that could be used for wearable devices or soft robotics. (credit: University of Cambridge)

Inspired by the electric shock capabilities of electric eels, scientists have developed a soft, stretchable "jelly" battery ideal for wearable devices or soft robotics, according to a new paper published in the journal Science Advances. With further testing in living organisms, the batteries might even be useful as brain implants for targeted drug delivery to treat epilepsy, among other conditions.

As previously reported, the electric eel produces its signature electric discharges—both low and high voltages, depending on the purpose for discharging—via three pairs of abdominal organs composed of modified muscle cells called electrocytes, located symmetrically along both sides of the eel. The brain sends a signal to the electrocytes, opening ion channels and briefly reversing the polarity. The difference in electric potential then generates a current, much like a battery with stacked plates.

Vanderbilt University biologist and neuroscientist Kenneth Catania is one of the most prominent scientists studying electric eels these days. He has found that the creatures can vary the degree of voltage in their electrical discharges, using lower voltages for hunting purposes and higher voltages to stun and kill prey. Those higher voltages are also useful for tracking potential prey, akin to how bats use echolocation. One species, Volta's electric eel (Electrophorus voltai), can produce a discharge of up to 860 volts. In theory, if 10 such eels discharged at the same time, they could produce up to 8,600 volts of electricity—sufficient to power 100 light bulbs.

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